TD's Beta Page
page last updated Wednesday, 28-Feb-2007 10:20:49 EST
Thank you for your interest in what I'm up to. I have been updating this page about once a year on average.
Beta testing is a long and somewhat arduous process, so any release dates or programs I mention here are pure speculation. Those that have followed this page know that over the last five years I have released scripts that were not on this page and haven't released scripts listed here as being released by a certain date. This is more a less a snapshot of some things I am doing and is not intended to be all inclusive. My own new projects often take the lowest priority compared to the paid programming projects that I'm hired for so I work on this stuff, especially the programs I intend to give away, on my own free time.
Some of these projects may never come to fruition for a wide variety of reasons. If you see a particular script here that you would really like to see done/released sooner, than give me a call. Some of these scripts could actually already be done too, but I won't release until I have had ample time to beta test to my satisfaction. You never know, I might let you beta test at a special discounted price. You can always call me and ask about the status too, if you are really curious.
Lastly you should be aware that where applicable these are beta demos on these pages and they may or may not work at any given time, depending on if we are working on them live. If you want demos of final version scripts which are not in beta, please visit the main page :)
Outclicks 1.0 - Outclicks tracks uniques and raw clickthrus of text and/or banners advertisments. It comes with a full browser-based admin interface that easy review of stats and adding, editing or deleting ads. It also tracks referrers by date and allows archiving so you can search through a range of dates. I want to rewrite the admin area to make it more user-friendly, but otherwise this script is fully functional and able to be released, contact me for details.
(available by private
sale, Call me if interested)
(Currently Testing on: UNIX. Installation time: 10
minutes. Complexity: easy)
Matches4u 1.0 - This PHP/mySQL script is perfect for setting up a matchmaker program on your website. It is industrial strength and can support several hundred thousand to a million or more different matches. Built-in messaging for members, tiered membership levels, interface to SQL eziBill for billing integration.
Replaced by this script (now available by private sale! Call me if interested)
(Currently Testing on: UNIX. Installation time: 60-120 minutes. Complexity: difficult.)
TD List Referrer 1.0 - Requires Server Side Includes (SSI). Place a tag on the page you want to track and create a link to the script from inside your protected area. It will keep track of as long a period of time as you want. You may need to rename your page to .shtml instead of .html. TD List Referrer 1.0 (demo)
Call me if interested
(Currently Testing on: UNIX. Installation time: 10 minutes. Complexity: Semi-easy)
EvenAds Rotator 1.0 - A banner and/or text link rotator that evenly (and randomly) distributes ads, supports unlimited "zones" so that you can target specific banner categories (even within the same page!), or evenly distribute banners and text links over all pages and see which is the most popular. EvenAds also tracks click-thru impression ratios, and comes with a handy browser-based administration area so you don't have to hack any code. Requires Server Side Includes (SSI). I am using this script on a test site right now so release of it should be fairly soon.
Demonstration showing above is all categories in the database, the demo at the bottom of the page is demoing the "zone" and will only show Music banners
Call me if interested
(Currently Testing on: UNIX. Installation time: 20
minutes. Complexity: Moderate)
Smart Banner Rotator 1.0 - A banner rotator that uses
keyword relevancy and referring URLs and randomly displays the most relevant banner.
This is great for multiple sponsors and targeting your banner advertising, which should
help improve your sponsor signup ratios. For example, a surfer comes from it would display an computer targeted banner. You can use this all
over your site and it is good for warning pages especially, since it analyzes where the
surfer is coming from and randomly serves the appropriate banner.
Requires Server Side Includes (SSI). Set a few
variables, upload
your .txt files with the banners you want to use, set your SSI tag
and you have a random banner ad generator that will target advertise
based on the referring website.
TD Smart Banner Rotator (demo)
me if interested
(Currently Testing on: UNIX. Installation time: 30 minutes.
Complexity: Moderate.)
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