TD Keno 1.1 - Offer your website visitors and regulars an engrossing version of the
popular casino game Keno without the monetary risk! The registered version includes a
bunch of configurable features, and I'll add more to future versions if I get enough
requests and/or interest. TD Keno updates and tracks users scores and uses true casino
Keno odds. Users login via their email so you could also use the script to gather email
addresses for an opt-in mail list. Includes security precautions to stop offsite running
of the script. Players can choose from 1 to 15 spots and play virtually an unlimited
number of multi-race Keno games. There is only one file to configure and three
files to upload. Setup is a breeze! Wondering how to play Keno? Click here
Upgrade: Use check boxes to pick your
keno numbers instead of typing them in. I cleaned up the formatting on the tabled graphics
(so it looks better in Netscape browsers) and added the ability to change more of the
layout features. Compare demos below and you will see the improvement. version 1.1 demo vs. version 1.0 (old) |
Version - Buy this script by secure online check
(US only):
- script only, no install (Unix/Linux only, Perl required)
- script + install included (Unix/Linux only, Perl required
Add this to your website and keep your visitors coming back to
your website to beat their highest Keno scores. Players can play from
1 to 15 "spots" and try to catch them all. Players can play mult-race
Keno tickets up to as many games as you allow and with the speed
of your server can get lightning fast results! [Rate this program]
Freeware Version
- Simply call this script from your
browser to get 20 random Keno
numbers generated: Freeware
Version (demo) | Download
TD Kenolite 1.0
Keno is one of the oldest casino games around, originally created during the Han dynasty in China. It has changed slightly over the last 2000 plus years, but still is actually one of the easiest casino games to play. You pick between 1 and 15 different numbers between 1 and 80 (known as "spots") and try to match all your spots against the 20 randomly drawn numbers.
The Odds -- Payoffs are in green next the odds
1 spot -- catch 1 4 to 1 3
2 spots -- catch 1 2.63 to 1 -
catch 2 16 to 1 12
3 spots -- catch 1 2.32 to
1 -
catch 2 7.20 to 1 1
catch 3 72.07 to 1 42
4 spots -- catch 2 4.70 to
1 1
catch 3 23.12 to 1 3
catch 4 326.43 to 1 120
5 spots -- catch 3 11.91 to 1 1
catch 4 82.69 to 1 10
catch 5 1550.56 to 1 800
6 spots -- catch 3 8.46 to 1 1
catch 4 34.31 to 1 3
catch 5 323.03 to 1 85
catch 6 7752.84 to 1 1,500
7 spots -- catch 4 19.16 to 1 1
catch 5 115.76 to 1 20
catch 6 1365.97 to 1 400
catch 7 40,979.31 to 1 8,000
8 spots -- catch 4 12 to 1 1
catch 5 54 to 1 5
catch 6 422 to 1 75
catch 7 6232 to 1 1,500
catch 8 230,114 to 1 20,000
9 spots -- catch 5 30 to 1 3
catch 6 174 to 1 40
catch 7 1690 to 1 350
catch 8 30,681 to 1 4000
catch 9 1,380,358 to 1 25,000
10 spots -- catch 5 19 to 1 2
catch 6 87 to 1 15
catch 7 620 to 1 100
catch 8 7383 to 1 1,400
catch 9 163,300 to 1 8,000
catch 10 8,900,000 to 1 50,000
11 spots -- catch 5
catch 6 49 to 1 5
catch 7 255 to 1 50
catch 8 2530 to 1 500
catch 9 35,275 to 1 4,000
catch 10 943,636 to 1 10,000
catch 11 62,366,900 to 1 60,000
12 spots -- catch 6 31 to 1 4
catch 7 142 to 1 30
catch 8 980 to 1 210
catch 9 10,570 to 1 1,000
catch 10 184,000 to 1 5,000
catch 11 6,024,065 to 1 25,000
catch 12 478,147,000 to 1 75,000
13 spots -- catch 6 23 to 1 3
catch 7 456 to 1 15
catch 8 7700 to 1 90
catch 9 30,800 to 1 500
catch 10 50,200 to 1 1,000
catch 11 1,060,000 to 1 8,000
catch 12 41,600,000 to 1 50,000
catch 13 4,066,270,000 to 1 100,000
14 spots -- catch 6 2
catch 7 10
catch 8 50
catch 9 150
catch 10 775
catch 11 2,000
catch 12 8,000
catch 13 50,000
catch 14 100,000
15 spots -- catch 0 10
catch 7 5
catch 8 25
catch 9 100
catch 10 400
catch 11 5,000
catch 12 25,000
catch 13 50,000
catch 14 80,000
catch 15 100,000
Notes: As you can see from the chart above, the more spots chosen, the harder it gets to "catch" (match) them all. If I played the same 10 numbers it would, mathematically speaking, take me almost 9 million games to match all 10 spots! (Theoretically, with tdkeno.cgi it would be possible to test these mathematics, by setting your score to 9 million and then playing 9 million games with the same 10 numbers, but yikes, this would really tie up a servers resources and probably take a few hours or so to fully execute)
Strategy: A good strategy might be to try to go for no more than 5 or 6 spots, but preferably 2, 3 or 4 spots tickets, since the lower numbers offer better probabilities. No matter how you look at it, Keno has the worst odds of any game in the casino, but it's fun trying to beat the odds.
Some Suggested Script Uses:
1. Use TD Keno as an enticement to garner email addresses for marketing purposes. Just
make sure you notify the players logging in that you are doing
this, and provide them
some way to unsubscribe from your mailing list if they want to.
2. You could easily frame the script and show banner advertisements while players are
to beat the high score.
3. Make a contest where a certain high score would yield some type of prize or discount
items you are selling at your website.
4. Place the script 'as is' in your members-only area to improve retention and enhance the
of community at your website.
5. Have TDavid customize the script in some other way for you ... use the formail script for inquiries.
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